Orbis Linguarum is an academic journal of the Faculty of Philology at South-West University Neofit Rilski. It publishes articles in the fields of linguistics, literature, cultural studies, methodology of language and literature teaching, reviews and opinions about books and academic events written in Slavic languages, English, French, and German. The journal is indexed in several international databases - CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, RINC, Crossref, CNKI, Scopus, etc. All submitted materials are double-blind peer reviewed and the editors inform the authors about the decision regarding their publication. Articles that do not follow the publication guidelines will not be accepted or reviewed. Materials that are out the thematic scope of the journal will not be accepted or reviewed.

Orbis Linguarum accepts materials for Issues No 23.1, 23.2 and 23.3 (2025).

Please submit your manuscript here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..